Find Your Village
collaborative, culturally-informed, community research and action to tackle health inequalities funding; improving wellbeing, child development and longer term outcomes
Migration to an urban, western environment may be really challenging for families, especially coming from a culture where ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ (Allport et al 2019).
The research team want to encourage all families in our cities with young children to ‘Find your village’ – to make confident connections with other people around them, so that parents can de-stress and solve problems, and their children grow up happy, confident and achieving good things without need for child development and disability services.
Bristol City Council Policy Briefing:
A series of playful Lego photography workshops with Play:Disrupt. The aim was to work with young people to identify and highlight local gaps in facilities and community spaces. Due to the Covid pandemic the engagement was adapted to be delivered online.
We used photoshop to transpose their Lego models onto backdrops of their neighbourhood and asked the young people to tell the stories of their models. By moving between imaginary worlds and their lived environment, we were able to draw out responses that would not have been given through questioning. We were able to identify clear needs and desires for their area, in a short time period.
The workshops continued outdoors,
using game based activities with the year 7s, to consider their existing environment, imagine change, and consider ways to improve communal areas for play and social activities…